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Greece, Bulgaria and Romania far more corrupt than several Latin American countries

 new zealand

New Zealand: no corruption

Transparency Global, a global nongovernmental organization has recently released its Corruption Index (CDI) for 2009. The CDI ranks all nations of the world according to perceived corruption. According to the survey, the least corrupt nation of the world is New Zealand, closely followed by Denmark and Singapore. The Netherlands scores quite well with number 6 in the ranking system (which goes from 1 to 180). Remarkably, several Latin American countries have much higher rankings than some EU countries. Uruguay (25), Chile (25) and Costa Rica (43) all do much better than Greece, Bulgaria and Romania (shared number 71). Please note however that the index measures only the perceived corruption, and not the real corruption which is always harder to measure. Nor does the index make a distinction between several forms of corruption, such as petty corruption, nepotism or whether higher levels of government are also implicated. For a complete overview please visit

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